Remarkable — a challenging and satisfying guide to success through inspired strategic leadership.”
—Tom Peters
Tom Peters Company

Leadership Workshops
Our leadership services focus on how to increase your personal impact and create sustained value for your organization, staff, customers, and shareholders. Learn to develop vision and enhance your leadership style to influence others and secure their support.

Emotional Intelligence and Conceptual Age Thinking Workshops
As the majority of purchases are made from emotion, superior logic and linear thinking are no longer enough to maintain one’s competitive edge. Companies who operate from strong emotional intelligence combined with sound business practices can upset industry giants virtually overnight. Yet, the true masters of emotional intelligence know that using their EQ to trump the competition is just a small part. The true power of emotional intelligence is seen when it is used as part of an integrated business strategy that provides higher value for employees, customers, and strategic partners. During this interactive seminar filled entertaining stores, your BARON Team Leader will share powerful insights, strategies, tools, and resources from companies who are successfully using EQ and Conceptual Age thinking to increase revenue and create greater value in the marketplace.

Effective Communication Workshops
Customized management training with a concentration in verbal and written communication and presentation skills. Workshop training addresses core areas including internal and client communications, ethics, conflict resolution, employee motivation, and senior management reporting.

Entrepreneurship Workshops
Discover detailed, practical ideas for building wealth through a small business, and using online and direct selling. Learn how to: develop your business concept; form entities and finance your business; brand, market, and sell effectively; tap into additional sources of revenue; determine the most profitable way to “cash out” of your business.

Women Entrepreneur CEO Training
This is a high-powered workshop is designed to address the specific needs, challenges, and opportunities faced by women entrepreneurs. Everyday more and more women are embracing entrepreneurship as a viable, fulfilling career alternative to traditional forms of employment and a powerful means of building wealth. Women entrepreneurs own over 6.5 million businesses generating $940 billion in revenues. This powerful BARONESS course will teach you the financial and business fundamentals that every woman entrepreneur must know to compete and run her business profitably.

Nonprofit Workshop
Learn the critical steps for successfully starting and running an nonprofit organization. Discover the best places to look for funding and the most effective ways to secure donations, government and foundation grants and corporate sponsorship. Leverage highly-effective, low cost strategies for fundraising and marketing your NPO. Learn the best strategies for recruiting and retaining top board members, staff and volunteers. Discover how to increase capacity for your NPO and set the organization up to grow locally, regionally and nationally.

Effective Communication Workshops
Learn invaluable insights to help start, fund, and grow an online business the right way. From product and service line development to marketing and the administrative side of operating a web business, participants will learn how to develop, plan, and implement a profitable web business model. This workshop will also teach how to manage email lists, affiliate programs, and traffic campaigns. In addition, participants will learn where to find free content, tools, and services to quickly and consistently drive traffic, increase page views, and expand their websites.

Online Business Workshops
Learn invaluable insights to help start, fund, and grow an online business the right way. From product and service line development to marketing and the administrative side of operating a web business, participants will learn how to develop, plan, and implement a profitable web business model. This workshop will also teach how to manage email lists, affiliate programs, and traffic campaigns. In addition, participants will learn where to find free content, tools, and services to quickly and consistently drive traffic, increase page views, and expand their websites.

Sales Workshops/Sales Team Development
Discover winning strategies to increase business referrals and effectively sell to decision makers at all levels of an organization. Learn to create synergy, increase cross-selling opportunities, and find new markets to sell products and services.

Direct-Selling Workshops
In any direct-selling organization, membership turnover and sustained customer sales are a major challenge. Empower your representatives with new knowledge and skills crucial to building a solid base of customers and down-line representatives. Learn The Baron’s inspired approach for motivating others to take meaningful actions that will help their businesses thrive.

Wealth-Building Workshops
Learn The Baron’s unique Four Portfolio approach and other valuable strategies for building wealth when you have limited ideas, time, and money. Learn to leverage key resources and people to help you create wealth.

Stock Market Investing Workshops
Learn techniques used by the most successful professional investors on Wall Street to choose their stocks. With simple to follow guidance, participants will learn easy-to-comprehend indicators of potential investment opportunities available in the marketplace everyday. Participants will learn specific strategies appropriate for investors with various investment goals and tolerances for risk. This workshop will also teach technical (stock chart) analysis skills used to identify the long-term trends and profit opportunities of stocks. In addition, participants will learn how options can become a lucrative and strategic component of their well-balanced, long-term portfolio. For many investors, the critical knowledge
provided by this course can mean the difference between realizing substantial gains or suffering severe losses.

Real Estate Investing Workshops
Learn the various ways to profit through real estate investing including cash flow, price appreciation, tax deductions, tax credits, and more. Discover how to: use strategies to make money regardless of market conditions; get started when you have limited cash or poor credit; locate bargains; spot important trends; analyze the market in any given geographic region.

Young Millionaires Program: Youth Business and Financial Workshops
Learn how to: avoid and overcome debt; perceive market opportunities; create and implement a business plan; organize and leverage others to create wealth; form mentoring relationships and strategic partnerships; responsibly manage income, expenses, assets, and investment debts.

Book Publishing and Marketing Workshops
Learn the step-by-step process for creating a winning book concept, writing, producing, publishing, and marketing a quality book quickly and on a limited budget. Discover how to: find the best distributors for various book titles; set-up live and virtual book tours to increase profits; make money abroad by licensing rights; position titles to become a book club selections and “best-sellers.”

Writing a Nonfiction Book that Sells
For years, many writers have thought the success of their work depended on the quality of their writing and failed to plan for their book’s marketability. Due to this misconception, many great books have been left unpublished or have sat collecting dust. In this workshop, you will learn a step-by-step process for quickly completing a best-selling nonfiction book. You will discover specific techniques applicable to any nonfiction genre including: autobiography, biography, essay, history, how-to, memoir, politics, self-help, technical, and travel writing.

Writing Effective Promotional Copy
Discover the “11 Rules of Effective Copywriting” that will help you achieve better results in one-third of the time. Whether you are branding your company, penetrating a new market, promoting an event, or selling a product or service, you will learn how to generate greater interest, responses, and sales through your promotional copy. Become a well-paid copywriter by developing the skills to move any audience to action.

Speaker Success Workshops
Learn the step-by-step process for building a successful speaking business even with limited resources. Use THE BARON SOLUTION model to capitalize on one’s success as a speaker in order to take advantage of investment opportunities and create and acquire other businesses. This workshop will teach how to: use strategies for generating thousands of dollars in speaking fees even if a meeting or conference planner is working with a limited budget; speak for free and still make hundreds or even thousands of dollars; create and introduce complimentary product and service lines to increase revenue; generate significant income as a speaker from the comfort of one’s own home. Participants will also learn the critical things speakers should be thinking about in terms of long-term financial and business planning, including retirement.

Independent Music Business Workshops
Provides an integrated financial model for independent artists to follow in order to build wealth through their own businesses. This workshop teaches a step-by-step process to building wealth for the independent artist who may have a limited financial or business background. Time and again, we hear stories about artists who make millions of dollars, but at some point end up losing their money or going through bankruptcy. Participants will develop the insight to help avoid similar situations and reap greater profits from their music and other offerings. This critical course breaks down the important things that independent artists need to know including: forming strategic partnerships, financing, product line development, marketing and promotion, branding, distribution, and diversification.